OpenStack comes out of the box with it’s dashboard called Horizon. Horizon provides GUI, which let us manage our OpenStack environment in pretty easy and inuitive way. However basic tasks, like tenant creation or instance commissioning, can be time consuming when performed in Horizon. Using command line interface with previously prepared command templates can be more efficient and faster.
In this tutorial we present how to create Project Tenant in OpenStack Newton using command line intrerface and launch Cirros based Instances inside the Tenant.
Some time ago OpenStack Community introduced new tool called OpenStackClient (OSC) with it’s openstack command utility to unify OpenStack management, which encompasses the following components: Compute, Identity, Image, Object Storage and Block Storage APIs. So far keystone command utility was withdrawn from OpenStack as deprecated and replaced by mentioned openstack command utility. In this tutorial for Newton release we are going to use openstack commands where possible to become familiar with OpenStackClient CLI.
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