Install Nagios Core from RPM on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Mar 15, 2016 Linux

Nagios is a free software, which offers monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications and services.

This tutorial describes simple Nagios Core and Nagios Plugins installation from rpm packages on CentOS 7 / RedHat 7. There is no need to configure and compile Nagios Core tar.gz based source files unless you really need the newest version.


1. Install Apache HTTP server

Install httpd rpm from the default repo:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# yum install httpd

2. Prepare Rpmfind repository

We will use Rpmfind repository ( to download Nagios Core and Nagios Plugins.

Create rpmfind repository file:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# touch /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmfind.repo

Edit repository file to look like below:

# Rpmfind repository file

name=Rpmfind repository

Verify repository list:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# yum repolist

3. Install Nagios rpms

[root@tuxfixer ~]# yum install nagios nagios-common nagios-plugins-all

4. Setup Nagios admin password

Create new password for nagiosadmin:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/passwd nagiosadmin

5. Enable services

Start and enable httpd service:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# systemctl start httpd
[root@tuxfixer ~]# systemctl enable httpd

Start and enable nagios service:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# systemctl start nagios
[root@tuxfixer ~]# systemctl enable nagios

6. Configure firewalld for Apache and Nagios

Open port 80/tcp to allow http traffic:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent

Reload firewalld service:

[root@tuxfixer ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

7. Connect to Nagios Dashboard

Navigate to Nagios WebGUI in your Web Browser:


Log in using credentials: nagiosadmin / password_you_set_in_step_4

nagios core installation from rpms on centos 7 red hat 7

4 thoughts on “Install Nagios Core from RPM on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7”
  1. Hi I follow the same steps but i get error in nagios web UI. This error i am facing Whoops! Error: Could not read object configuration data!. Is there any solution to resolve this error.

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