Month: August 2015

LDAP Installation on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. As the name suggests, it is a lightweight protocol for accessing directory services, specifically X.500-based directory services. OpenLDAP is a free, open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) developed by the OpenLDAP Project. It is released under its own BSD-style license called the OpenLDAP Public License.

In this tutorial we will show you, how to install OpenLDAP server on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 and create basic configuration in a few simple steps:
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How to Create and Attach Cinder Volume to Instance in OpenStack

Cinder Volume is a block storage based on Linux LVM, which can be attached to instance and mounted as a regular file system.
In this tutorial we will show you how to create Cinder Volume in OpenStack and attach it to existing instance as additional partition.

Note: you need to have working OpenStack installation with existing project tenant and running instance in order to proceed with Cinder Volume creation.

Find out how to: Create project tenant in OpenStack and launch instances
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